Flipped Classroom

   It was the first time this week that I got introduced to this new way of active learning. I found it very interesting and enjoyable, and I wish I had more seminars using this method. What I really enjoyed is the fact that you can be anywhere, and all you need is internet access and a sofa where to stay comfortable. On the other side, you have your friends and your professor that can respond to your questions any time. Through videos you have the possibility to learn about your lesson in a different way, plus through comments you can express your opinion, or ask questions as well. I am very enthusiastic about using this method in my future as a teacher.
Rezultate imazhesh për flipped classroom edutopia    First of all, using this method of online classroom in my opinion has a lot of benefits, and I find it very helpful. I think, that by using this method we can help students work on their own space and pace. What I find also as an advantage of flipped classrooms is that through videos or online texts we give the opportunity to students to learn about the content before attending classes, as well as to reflect on them using different projects or assignments. This reflection can be achieved by asking our students about the content of the texts or videos that they were presented to. In this way, as teachers we get a feedback from our students whether they got the gist of the lesson that they were presented, or if they have any questions.

Rezultate imazhesh për flipped classroom edutopia    Moreover, as technology is growing every day we should be aware that we use technology to make classes as funnier as possible. I think that I can use flipped classrooms by including different apps to make the classroom organized , to maintain students motivation, to save time and what is more important to make them communicate with one another. Firstly, I would apply Google classroom so that students get to know the lesson before they go to classrooms. Secondly, I would also be enthusiastic about applying Edpuzzle on my classrooms, as a new way through which I can check whether students have seen posted videos, how often they have seen them, or if they have understood the content of it. Padlet, can be another interesting app that I can use, where students are provided with the opportunity to cooperate with each other and also to increase their productivity. The last app could be Quizizz, through which I can provide the chance to my students to enjoy their class through various games, and what is more important to make them enjoy their time.

    All in all, using flipped classrooms can be very helpful and effective. As the opposite of traditional teaching, here students learn about their lesson before they attend classes, so there is more time left for activities and group works.As future teachers we will have more opportunities to focus on students’ questions or problems. As a teacher to be I am really passionate about using this method in my classes, and I believe also that my pupils will be excited about this method.  What about you guys, do you find it a good method to apply at your classes? 

 Thank you for reading my post.


  1. A very well choosen video ,I liked the question posed in the end and you provided us with some sort of answer of how you'd do.

  2. I like that you have stated some points of benefits of using flipped classroom and in the end summarized what you really think.
    Good job!

  3. Actually yes Izabeta , I do find this method applicable in my classes too and I find it as challenging and entertaining to be used in a real classroom.
    You have clearly stated how you would like this method to be applied in your future classrooms and I wish you good luck with it.
    Good Job !

  4. A very interesting post and about the question i would say that yes, I find the method applicable as long as there are the right conditions :)

  5. The advantages you have provided us are very helpful. I am also enthusiastic about this method and I can't wait to use it with my students.

  6. What I mostly liked in your post was the video because it had shown everything and was really entertaining watching it.As a teacher to be I think that I'll apply it with my students and I think that they'll like it really so much.

  7. I like your post a lot Izabeta and the video also. You are very clear when it comes to the expectations that you have about your future as a teacher.
    To the question in the end...
    I agree up to a point...Each of us must make a kind of organisation when it comes to flipping classrooms because not all the students find then comfortable!

  8. I am as enthusiastic as you are about having my flipped classroom in the future.The video at the beginning of your reflection explains quite well what a flipped classroom looks like.Your reflection is well organized because you have began with listing the benefits of using this method in the classroom and then you have shown the ways that you will make use of this model in your future career.I do agree with you for using Google classroom,Edpuzzle,Quizizz because of their great advantages,which you have mentioned in your reflection.

  9. I just read carefully your post and I saw you have mentioned the positive things this method has however we should not admit the struggle we faced last time .I do agree that the more we see things from good points of view the better we will do in the future .Such a positive reflection ,though.As for the question you should read my post and i have already answered there about applying this method or not.


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