multiple intelligences and multimedia

Before I read about Multiple Intelligences, I did not know that much things about this topic, or  their enormous effect on the productivity of students. As I was introduced to the topic it made me think about our level of intelligence, but then I realized it was completely different. I found many facts related to this topic attention-grabbing and very informative. While I was reading I was thinking about some teachers that I have had in the past whose class was not successful. What I realized during the text was that they did not lack any knowledge about their subject, but the reason behind that was that they did not know how to make us learn better.  This was related to multiple intelligences discovered by Howard Gardner.  Multiple intelligences mean that each of us has different ways of learning things, and we do not belong only to a category, but we might belong to a combination of them. Gardner suggests that each person has nine intelligences in different amounts:

1.      Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence
2.      Mathematical-Logical Intelligence
3.       Musical Intelligence
4.      Visual-Spatial Intelligence
5.       Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence
6.       Interpersonal Intelligence
7.       Intrapersonal Intelligence
8.       Naturalistic Intelligence
9.       Existential Intelligence.

In addition, after reading the lecture I think that as teachers to be we should be very careful in finding the best ways to motivate our students to learn better. Through this theory each of us can create a clear idea on what bases the process of teaching and learning can be productive.This based on multiple intelligences can be achieved in different ways. As Gardner proposes each student has a different intelligence type and it is better to provide them with opportunities to understand the lesson using their intelligence; by involving here different activities, discussions et cetera. I believe that by learning about types of intelligences every student understands that they have a unique set of skills or abilities, and this is the reason why they are not the same when it comes to the process of learning.  
Furthermore, what is interesting is that this theory was challenged by the traditional definition of intelligence, which believed that we have one intelligence, or that this capacity could be measured by short tests. i had the same opinion at the beginning that we might only posses one kind of intelligence, but Gardner's theory taught me the contrary.  An important fact related to this theory is that multiple intelligences are part of classroom any time, because it is the teacher's job to provide the necessary environment for students to express their intelligences. Moreover, using these intelligences in the classroom has many benefits including here; promoting learning to students, learning will be based on students needs, students’ self-esteem will increase, they will be able to provide solutions to problems, and students will be able to manage their individual strengths. By having an idea on what are students’ strengths and weaknesses can help us as teachers to improve their process of learning.  As teachers we should not teach our students using one kind of intelligence, but we should incorporate them all to make their learning as much efficient and interesting. 
 What is more exciting, is the fact that multimedia has a huge effect on multiple intelligences theory, because through the development of technology it is easier to provide effective classes. Technology can be used in various ways to enhance multiple intelligences in classrooms. I agree with the fact that technology complements this theory, or that it helps in interactions that students have with their teacher or with their fellow students. Multimedia can help students; in applying real-world skills, their thinking, their motivation, in cooperation with other students, as well as to empower their technology skills.
To conclude, multimedia can be used to improve intelligence in different ways. For example, to improve Linguistic intelligence, activities aiming the use of writing or reading skills can be accomplished by using word processor, web tools, also virtual course-ware. In order to deal with Logical ability of the students, desktop publishing, simulation software, educational games, or research tools can be used. For improving Kinesthetic intelligence, simulation games, and virtual reality environments might be used. To progress Visual or Spatial ability of the students, animation software, video editing software, or image editor can be used. Students’ Musical intelligence might be stimulated through music, audio or video editing software, and video conferencing. To increase Interpersonal ability of the students, activities that require communicating and interacting with others can be used as well. Intrapersonal intelligence can be improved using activities performed in a self-paced, such as individual reading et cetera. Finally, to develop Naturalistic intelligence there can be used topics from the nature. All in all, multimedia and multiple intelligences can work better together in order to improve the process of learning,and as future teachers we should be aware of the benefits that they bring into a classroom and apply them in the best way.

Note: This is a video about multiple intelligences.

Thank your for reading my post. I hope you enjoyed it. 


  1. Reading your post made me realize that we think alike at the point that teachers should consider students having multiple intelligences. Being aware of this will make learning and teaching better. PS, I found the video really interesting and I understand that you could not find a shorter one, cause there are many things to speak about MI and Multimedia .

  2. I find this blog post very valuable in general, enhancing the key points of the lecture. I especially like the fact that you preferred to include your opinion prior and after knowing about Multiple Intelligence, and personal experience about how the teaching was conducted in your past classes. I think we share the same experience. Knowing what went wrong is a major step to knowing what you can improve in the future.

  3. I found your post really good .I like the fact that you have mentioned all the key points of the lecture and what's ,more important that I really appreciate is the fact that everything looks so original ,useful and also detailed because the details make the difference .The video it's also a great idea because it provided me with further information that I had't heard known before .Congratulations

  4. Even though it looks like long and boring to read ,it turns out to be such a comprehensive and devoted work form you.Your strong point is the fact you have compared your experience and listed the drawbacks of that way of teaching with the advantages of this one related to multiple intelligences.Even without the video all the information was enough and clear.Good job!

    1. I appreciate your post of this week. in fact, you have summarised everything in this space.Yes,it is true that student differs from one another,that is what makes us unique. Teaching and learning from one another is really at the core of our online writing communities,and your advice and experience hits the idea exactly. Happy to read your helpful blogg. :)

  5. At first glance I thought "Come on it is very long and boring to read about things that I have heard in the lecture". But after reading it all I found out that I was completely wrong. It made me think of other things and in my opinion it will be very helpful for us in the future. Good work!

  6. I read your article and saw the video you decided to share with us. At the beginning I thought that there was too much information but later I realized that it was valuable and turn out pretty well. Waiting to see more posts in your blog. :)

  7. Congratulations Izabeta . I really loved your reflection on Multiple Intelligences and Multimedia. I thnk that you did a great job organising your ideas , transmitting them clearly to all of us and most of all, I really appreciated the fact that you related in every step of your post the relation of MM with teaching.
    Looking forward for more posts from you !

  8. Your post consists of coherence because the ideas you have represented are linked to one another.I can easily understand your point of view on multiple intelligences and multimedia because of your good organizational skills.You have also covered all the topics we discussed during the lecture.You have not only mentioned the main ideas of the lecture,but as well as your way of perceiving those ideas and how you will apply them on your future career as a teacher.

  9. I really liked this reflection about the lecture . The video was good to clarify your view point about lecture. You mixed M.I and Multimedia together and that's a good point . I suggest to be more precise in other blogs.

  10. beautiful design; well-written and nice video included!

  11. A great post including all the information needed to understand what is Multimedia and the nine Multiple Intelligences. It had a clear explanation of the definitions and the importance of their usages in the classroom environment .:)

  12. I really liked your post. It had everything needed. You included all the explination nedded.
    Good job!

  13. i loved your reflection on the topic and i also enjoyed the video.Thank you izabeta for all your relevant information that you provided.

  14. in terms of organization and multimedia there couldn't have been better than this! Just perfectly organized (right balance between the written work,pictures and the video.


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