A Reflection on Juniors conference

Hello guys, today I will talk about our conference on Friday. As some of you were not present that day, I hope that this post will make you visualize it. It was a wonderful day, and to me it was the best experience ever. At the beginning it was difficult to work with these projects and what was really hard, was the part that I was a member of two presentations. Despite the harsh time and difficulties in the end everything turned out to be a success. Together with our friends we worked hard for a couple of weeks, we spent a lot of time together sharing and changing ideas. Professor Daniela and Professor Aileen were always there to help us with ideas or critics and they were always pushing us to do even more. 

At the beginning, I thought that it would be something really easy to be done, I thought that it would be just like those presentations that we have had in class, but actually it was completely different. We had to work with each other at late hours, because we had also other things to do except these presentations. Here we had to show what we were able to do,and we were hoping to do something that no one had done before. Before the conference started I had too much emotions, I was a bit afraid if my presentation would work, I started to panic and there was Professor Daniela and my friends telling me that I had to calm down.

 Finally the conference initiated, and there were all our professors and some students that were eager to hear us. Before the coffee break there was professor Aileen that made an amazing job, from what I saw in videos and from what I heard by my friends they all liked it, especially the song. Afterward, it was the moment for me and Eva to present our work, we were a little emotional at the start, but then we took the situation under control. I could see the others paying attention to our presentation and I felt really good, because they seemed to be interested. In the end, the audience applauded us and I can say that this moment cannot be changed with anything else. I remember that after we finished our presentation, there were some students that were asking us to help them with making their presentations interactive. It really made me feel happy, because together with Eva we succeeded to show something to the audience. 

Subsequently, it was Hedera's and Kleant's presentation on DictioTaxi, and lastly it was Klementina's and Dajana's presentation on Drinking English app, which went pretty well. The audience really liked them and found them really helpful to be used. In the end we all got good comments from the audience, from our two professors, and our labor was rewarded with some certificates. 
Below you will find some photos taken during the conference. I hope you enjoyed! 


  1. You sure took a lot of pictures haha, great memories :D Thankyou for mentioning our presentation as well, and i hope you get to do bigger and more successful things in the future because your determination and hard work deserves to get paid off

    1. Thank you Hedera, thank you for your comments throughout the whole course, I really appreciate them.

  2. You all did a great job.I do remember the moment when you started to panic and were very worried about the presentation.However,you managed to handle it with success.You were a very good presenter and you showed your great potential on using Interactive PowerPoint.

    1. Suela thank you so much for every comment that you have written, thank you for reading every-single post that I have posted throughout this months.

  3. You did a great job and you did the best for this conference . Congrats !


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